Sunday 30 September 2012

Doctor Who? What? Where?

I'm just going to come right out and say it.

The ending for Rory and Amy in the Angels Take Manhattan was shit!

Was I the only person to think, "Try harder to get round this, Doctor"?

I think the Weeping Angels are pretty great creations of Stephen Mofat, but they should have been left where they belong. In greatness. In Blink. What made them great was how they "killed" you. Zap you back in time to live out your life there. Not really much of a threat to someone who has a time machine, or knows someone who does. Only a threat to average, every day people. Like Sally Sparrow.  That was what made Blink great (besides the cool one sided Doctor conversation on the DVD extras). It was that it was told from the perspective of real people, who didn't have a TARDIS or a Doctor to hand to fix everything. Seeing the Angels since has meant that Stephen has tried to come up something different for them.  Changing people to stone and actually killing people. Didn't really work for me.  

The Angels Take Manhattan was promising and mostly good because it took the Angels back to their roots and had them sending people back in time.  What I struggled with was the TARDIS suddenly not being able to get to New York in 1938, because of all the temporal shite going down. Ok, whatever, something to overcome in the episode.  But to then use this as the reason that Rory and Amy are "stuck" at the end? Errrr, no.  So, the Doctor can't go back to New York in 1938 to go and get them. What about 1939? Or 1940? Surely a year or 2 is ok.  Are we saying the TARDIS can no longer travel back in time in New York?  Ok, go back to Boston in 1938 and hire a car.  Hell, go back to a different planet and borrow a spaceship!

The point is that it wasn't a very air tight version of "stuck". It stung more of "can't be bothered" or "being a bit stupid".

Rose being in a different dimension with a impenetrable barrier. Now that's stuck! Or Donna not being able to get back to being herself because she'll die.  That's stuck! Even Martha just not wanting to travel with the Doctor anymore was a better way of leaving.