Thursday 17 June 2010

Blogging... lack of

So, I would like to write more blogs, but I have no idea what to blog about.  I don't run all that often anymore due to a trick knee (although I did run 4 miles for the first time in ages last night); I really don't fancy smashing fencing and rebuilding it all that often and I can't think of anything else that interesting that I do.  I mean, who wants to hear about my work in IT support?  Occasionally something interesting occurs, but not so much I feel any great urge to write about it.  What else do I do?  I watch TV.  Who is interested in hearing my thoughts on Star Trek: Voyager?  I thought not.  I eat out with Sharon, but we're quite boring and go to a lot of the same places and eat a lot of the same things.  I go to the pub.  We rarely vary our routine and go to the same place and discuss a lot of the same things.  Don't get me wrong, it's immense fun, but I can't see it making for particularly good reading.  I am currently planning a wedding, well Sharon is and I'm chipping in on occasion.   Some people may be interested in that I guess, but do I want to share the details of my wedding with the world in general?  Not so much.  

So, what to write about?  I read a couple of people's columns in Sunday papers and they always seem to have something to talk about.  One of 2 things is happening in their cases: 
  1. They have much more interesting lives than I.  
  2. They are much better at thinking of something to write about from their dull lives and making it interesting than I.  
I'm thinking it's probably a combination of the two.

Conclusions.  I need to do one of three things:
  1. Do more interesting things, so I can write about them.
  2. Make a note of things as they are happening that may make interesting writing/reading as they are happening.
  3. Continue to not blog very often.
  4. I know I said three things, but I just thought of a fourth.  Randomly read other people's blogs on here and see what it is they write about.  It may lead to inspiration about my own life.
I have just quickly scanned a few people's blogs on here.  It turns out people are boring and interesting at the same time.  This bodes well.   From my quick random scan it appears that people blog about space; mountain biking; Michael Jackson; random doodles they have drawn; and in some cases they blog in a foreign language!?  Doesn't get me any further with ideas, but it does lead me to think that, who really gives a shit what I write about?  Not that many people (if any) will read it and as long as I enjoy writing it then all is cool.  Even Sharon doesn't read my blog.  She says, "What's the point?  I see you every day."  She says pretty much the same about why she never looks at my Facebook and why she never responds to my texts or emails...

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