Friday 15 April 2011

I Paint Quite A Picture

I am writing a quick blog because I have a little story I want to tell and it's too long to tweet. It's even too long for a Facebook status.

I have just been doing a painting for my wedding seating plan. It will match up with the invitations and other stationary I designed.  Whilst painting I did a complicated swirly bit. It took me ages.  Once I was done I set about doing a bit of touch up on the edges of the canvas from a previous bit I had painted last week. I got into what I was doing and started moving the canvas around to get the best angle to get at what I was doing.  When I had done I stood back to inspect my work. Looks goo.... 

I had been putting my leg against the complicated swirly bit, smudging the fuck out of it. 

You know at the end of Back To The Future when Doc Brown is at the top of the clock tower trying to reconnect the cables so Marty can travel back to the future and he yanks so hard on the cable that the connection pulls apart on the lamp post below? You know the noise he makes? (this) That's the noise I made!
But like Doc I was resolute and half an hour with a wet cloth and some white paint and I was able to salvage it.


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