No that wasn't a typo. Tough week this week. I have been feeling quite weak indeed. I won't bore you with the details, but early in the week I was struck down with an illness of the stomach/bottom variety and it interfered with my training.
Here is the schedule I was supposed to keep:
Monday: run for 30 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 30 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: run for 40 - 45 mins
Sunday: rest
On Monday just before I was due to go out it became very apparent that it was not going to be possible. I was suprised at how gutted I was to be missing my training and how much I had started to look forward to it. Also, I felt if I messed this up I would be letting people down (sponsors... the kids!) Plus, I'm a proud man. I don't want to fail and certainly not in public. Anyway, a few days rest and all was well once more. My revised schedule now jammed a week's running into 4 days and looked like this:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 30 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: run for 30 mins
Saturday: run for 40 - 45 mins
Sunday: rest
I'm not a fan of running two days on the trot, as I have previously said, but I am up to a stage where running for 30 minutes does not cripple me, leave me stiff or in any pain the followng day. I also recover almost as soon as I get home and have a glass of water. That is one of the biggest revalations. Not the ease of which I am begining to find running, but the speed at which I feel ok once I stop. I felt 2 days back to back was something I could now quite easily do, but wouldn't like to make a habit of. Especially as next week onwards is when we start to push it. For now I am hovering around the 3 mile mark. It starts to steadily rise to my target distance of 10K (6.2 miles) in the coming weeks. But we are getting ahead of ourselves here.
Wednesday was a good run. Felt nice to be back out there, even though I had only missed the Monday, it felt like too long since I had run. 5 days!!! I went out with Rick for the first time. On a route he had devised. It was, of course, not a nice normal flat run up the road. Most of it was on the road, but Rick likes to take things "OFF ROAD!" So off road we went. Running up steps and slipping in mud and puddles was both not nice and imense fun. It was a welcome change of scenery. I am someone who can be accused of liking routines and getting stuck in repeating the same things again and again due to nothing more than familiarity. But being forced into something new always equally puts me out and excites me in equal measure. This was fun. It reminded me of cross-country at school. I will not be making a habit of having to hold onto a tree whilst sliding down a small banking to avoid falling in a muddy puddle though. It was good to be running with a partner and we ate up the 3 miles quite easily in the catch up chat we had on the way round.
Friday was a run in the driving rain. With Rick again. Was good to train in different conditions. I really don't mind running in the rain once I've warmed up. In fact it's quite refreshing. Meant the mud and puddles weren't a consideration either. We just splashed on through. I'm not a big fan, however, of running the day after having a few beers. I was noticably flagging half way round. Although I did get a second wind on the home straight and cruised on home uphill with relative ease.
Saturday morning I, thankfully, felt none of the previous evening's run. Today was the big one (well, biggest so far). I set off with a kind of sketchy route in mind. The initial downside was that my trainers were wet and freezing. I was quite aware of it for the first mile or so. Once I had fully warmed up I forgot about my feet and got on with the running. Remarkably by the end of the run my trainers were dry. I have bought an armband for my iPhone/iPod and was keen to try it out today. I used the iMapMyRun application on my iPhone. It means I don't have to sit tracing out my route on t'interweb to see how far I have run. Anyway, I ran up the road with the intention of turning left after about 20 mins, cutting through the estate and back down to home. That, I figured, should take about 40 - 45 mins. However once I got to the first turning for the estate I had only been running for 15 mins, so I carried on. By the last turning onto the estate I was up to about 19 mins, so decided to head for the top of the road (as it was only meters away) and go all the way around the estate on the main roads. I managed to run 4.78 miles (thank you iMapMyRun for the acurate reading) in a time of 45 mins and 47 secs. I am extremely pleased with this. Only 3 weeks into my 7 weeks of training and I can cover 3/4 of the distance required. I was surprisingly ok at the end of it too. I struggled a little in the middle. I wouldn't call it "The Wall", more a small fence with weather damaged. As I had been running constiently uphill for over 2 miles I figured that being knackered was inevitable. The last 2 miles or so was mostly down hill, so I managed to get my breath back (amazes me how you can rest and recover WHILST still running) and continue at a steady pace. The armband for my iPhone also meant I could listen to MY music. Thank you U2 and The Joshua Tree. I got through most of the album and it kept me going nicely.
Look I can embed my run in my blog...
Has felt good to grasp this week's training back from the jaws of defeat and turn it into better than I could have imagined. At the start of the week it was looking very unlikely I would do any running during the week, let alone make up my full compliment. Am pleased to have been motivated enough to push myself round the 3 runs in 4 days. Just shows how much of a spur it is to have a goal to reach for.
Sponsorship is going really well. I am up to £107. Which is amazing. My goal (which I didn't think I would get anywhere near) was £100. I've surpassed that with 4 weeks to go. With the gift aid that is pushing £137. Not quite though, as my Dad didn't know to tick the box for gift aid on He has sponsored me an extra £2 to make it up to the kids. He also added the encouraging words of "If you do not do well you will get a bloody good hiding. Dad" so the support is good too and completely at odds with the policies of the NSPCC. Although as I'm not longer a child (chronologically speaking that is) I don't suppose it falls in their jurisdiction. So, thanks to all who have sponsored me so far, your support has been a driving force for me. If you haven't sponsored me, sponsor me here
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Friday, 21 August 2009
Running For 2 Weeks... with breaks obviously
As I mentioned previously I am training for 7 weeks for a 10k run. I have just completed week 2. Here is the schedule I followed:
Monday: run for 30 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 30 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: run continuously for 3 miles
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest
This schedule makes it appear that this running is the only training I am doing. I am randomly doing sit-ups, press-ups, tricep dips and leg raises and also going out on my bike on rest days. Not far, just round trips of 6 miles to see family and back. Hopefully all this will improve my general fitness and help with my running.
Paced myself nicely on Monday. Covered just under 3 miles in my 30 minutes and wasn't nearly as knackered as I have been on my previous runs and I could have gone further.
I read somewhere that the rest days are almost as important as the training and this is proving to be the case. I have not been hobbling or limping the next day and when I start a run I feel fresh and ready to go. In a previous running life I have been guilty of repeatedly running 2 days on the trot and then not running for 5. The first day would be easier because I was well rested, but running was unfamiliar as it had been days since my last run. I had to find my feet again, as it were, to remember my pace. The second day would always be a killer. It felt as though I was starting off from my previous day's run. Consistently spaced running already seems to be the way to go.
Wednesday was very good. I was looking forward to running. Maybe the fact that I had announced to the world that I am doing this 10k and I have got £60 worth of sponsors in only 24 hours had something to do with it. I need to succeed at this, but also enjoying what I'm doing helps. I paced myself nicely and ran more than I have done previously in the time. It was just over 3 miles. Not mega far, but halfway to my goal and I could easily have run further.
Friday was hard, but ultimately fulfilling. My plan is to do my longer/harder/faster run on a Saturday or Sunday, but plans this weekend simply made that impossible. So Friday it was. I set off at much too quick a pace. I was out of the starting blocks like Usain Bolt and was starting to get a little out of breath after only a couple of minutes. I really wanted to beat last weeks time of 26:57 for 3 miles and was a bit over eager. I kept the pace up for maybe a mile and then had to ease off a little. I still managed to maintain a decent pace and finished in 25:45. Shaving nearly one and a quarter minutes off last weeks time. Who's ya daddy!!!
I have been listening to music this week too. After Sharon dug out her iPod nano and charged it up. She has one of those armbands for holding the nano and it makes life much easier than carrying mine. Unfortunately it also means that it is full of Sharon's music. We have completely differing tastes. In that I have taste and she listens to The Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears. Our one cross-over in tastes appears to be Michael Jackson, so until I can be bothered putting some of my music on her iPod that will be my running music of choice.
Don't forget to sponsor me here It's for the NSPCC.
Beat it.
Monday: run for 30 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 30 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: run continuously for 3 miles
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest
This schedule makes it appear that this running is the only training I am doing. I am randomly doing sit-ups, press-ups, tricep dips and leg raises and also going out on my bike on rest days. Not far, just round trips of 6 miles to see family and back. Hopefully all this will improve my general fitness and help with my running.
Paced myself nicely on Monday. Covered just under 3 miles in my 30 minutes and wasn't nearly as knackered as I have been on my previous runs and I could have gone further.
I read somewhere that the rest days are almost as important as the training and this is proving to be the case. I have not been hobbling or limping the next day and when I start a run I feel fresh and ready to go. In a previous running life I have been guilty of repeatedly running 2 days on the trot and then not running for 5. The first day would be easier because I was well rested, but running was unfamiliar as it had been days since my last run. I had to find my feet again, as it were, to remember my pace. The second day would always be a killer. It felt as though I was starting off from my previous day's run. Consistently spaced running already seems to be the way to go.
Wednesday was very good. I was looking forward to running. Maybe the fact that I had announced to the world that I am doing this 10k and I have got £60 worth of sponsors in only 24 hours had something to do with it. I need to succeed at this, but also enjoying what I'm doing helps. I paced myself nicely and ran more than I have done previously in the time. It was just over 3 miles. Not mega far, but halfway to my goal and I could easily have run further.
Friday was hard, but ultimately fulfilling. My plan is to do my longer/harder/faster run on a Saturday or Sunday, but plans this weekend simply made that impossible. So Friday it was. I set off at much too quick a pace. I was out of the starting blocks like Usain Bolt and was starting to get a little out of breath after only a couple of minutes. I really wanted to beat last weeks time of 26:57 for 3 miles and was a bit over eager. I kept the pace up for maybe a mile and then had to ease off a little. I still managed to maintain a decent pace and finished in 25:45. Shaving nearly one and a quarter minutes off last weeks time. Who's ya daddy!!!
I have been listening to music this week too. After Sharon dug out her iPod nano and charged it up. She has one of those armbands for holding the nano and it makes life much easier than carrying mine. Unfortunately it also means that it is full of Sharon's music. We have completely differing tastes. In that I have taste and she listens to The Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears. Our one cross-over in tastes appears to be Michael Jackson, so until I can be bothered putting some of my music on her iPod that will be my running music of choice.
Don't forget to sponsor me here It's for the NSPCC.
Beat it.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Tandem Running

I am supposed to be running my big runs with my mate Rick. This whole thing was boiled up between us. He has gone on holiday and I have kind of taken the idea and ran with it (groan...sorry!) When he left the plan was, we were going to see how we got on with training and then maybe sign up to run 10k. Then if that went well sign up for the half marathon. I threw caution to the wind after a weeks training and signed up for both without consulting him. My reasoning being. The only reason he is unlikely to not proceed with this is if his knee can't hold up through the training. He has a knee cap that goes pop after about 6 miles of running. Not good when you are looking at running 6 miles and beyond. The thinking is (at least the way I have understood it) that by training up to 6 miles it will stregthen his knee and gradually get it used to the distance and hopefully it won't go pop.
Anyway, I have digressed, why did I sign up whilst he was on holiday? Four reasons:
1. He can still sign up later if he wants
2. If his knee goes pop and he can't do it, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with my ability to run it.
3. I was enjoying myself and really want to do this for me and will happily do this alone if he is unable.
4. I am impatient.
No brainer really.
Having said all that, I really hope he will return from his holiday and get into the training with me and also sign up for both races and that I have a partner to train and ultimately run with. These things are always easier if you have someone to go through it with and also to spur you along when it's getting difficult. Plus he's good company and picking over our conquests of Salford and Liverpool over a beer would be fun.
An additional point. I neglected to mention I am running the City of Salford 10k to raise money for the NSPCC. Sponsor me here
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Keep On Running
I am taking up running again. Or rather I have taken up running again.
I have been trying to exercise all year, but I soon lose interest. My problem is lack of motivation. I start running or cycling and go for it for a week or two, but then, athough I don't give up completely, I taper off just enough so as to have no real benefit. Especially with the snacking and drinking I do.
So what to do? The answer is FEAR! I have signed up to run the City Of Salford 10K on 27th Sept AND to run the Liverpool Half Marathon on 28th March. Now I MUST train otherwise:
a) It'll really hurt.
b) I won't make it.
c) I'll let down the very generous people who have already begun to sponsor me.
Motivation is there in spades. Now I need to run 10k in 7 weeks (I begin in 7 weeks, not taking 7 weeks to run it... that would be EASY). I have downloaded a training schedule and tweaked it to fit into the 7 weeks and to fit in with my life.
I am now in week 2 of my training. I am planning on writing a brief blog at the end of each week, so I will just cover week 1 for now. Week 2 will follow in a few days.
Week 1
Monday: run for 15 mins, walk for 2 mins, run for 15 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 15 mins, walk for 2 mins, run for 15 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: run continuously for 3 miles
Sunday: rest
Monday was harder than I expected. Running for 15 minutes, walking for 2 minutes and then running for 15 minutes again sounds easy. It wasn't. I did do it though and covered about 3 miles. The 2 minutes walk in the middle really was a huge rest. It was also nice to not be tied down to a route that I had worked out in advance because I was running a specified distance. Gave me the chance to explore my area a little and make random turns on a whim. All I had to do was make sure I was near home for the end.
Wednesday was much easier. I did just run up the road though for 15 minutes, then turned round and ran back. Was more interesting and nicer than it sounds as it was up past the fields in the sunshine. I think I will head this way on most runs as it's flatish, for my area, and can be extended fairly well as I get better. I recovered much quicker than on Monday.
Saturday morning I was up and raring to go at 9am. Which is impressive as I sat watching TV and drinking lager til 1:30am. I planned a route on Google Earth that was exactly 3 miles (1.5 miles in one direction and then 1.5 miles back). I managed a time of 26:57. I am happy with this time for a first timed run. 9 minutes a mile. A pretty good start I felt. Although my pace needs addressing, as I ended up almost sprinting the end to keep it below 27 minutes. I must have tailed off somewhere in the middle.
I have also tried to cut down on my midweek drinking and snacking. I have been avoiding the sausage rolls etc left over from the buffets at work and have been eating the fruit provided when hungry. I didn't have a beer Monday - Thursday and didn't drink exactly loads at the weekend. I was never hungover. Just a few beers here and there.
I have been trying to exercise all year, but I soon lose interest. My problem is lack of motivation. I start running or cycling and go for it for a week or two, but then, athough I don't give up completely, I taper off just enough so as to have no real benefit. Especially with the snacking and drinking I do.
So what to do? The answer is FEAR! I have signed up to run the City Of Salford 10K on 27th Sept AND to run the Liverpool Half Marathon on 28th March. Now I MUST train otherwise:
a) It'll really hurt.
b) I won't make it.
c) I'll let down the very generous people who have already begun to sponsor me.
Motivation is there in spades. Now I need to run 10k in 7 weeks (I begin in 7 weeks, not taking 7 weeks to run it... that would be EASY). I have downloaded a training schedule and tweaked it to fit into the 7 weeks and to fit in with my life.
I am now in week 2 of my training. I am planning on writing a brief blog at the end of each week, so I will just cover week 1 for now. Week 2 will follow in a few days.
Week 1
Monday: run for 15 mins, walk for 2 mins, run for 15 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 15 mins, walk for 2 mins, run for 15 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: run continuously for 3 miles
Sunday: rest
Monday was harder than I expected. Running for 15 minutes, walking for 2 minutes and then running for 15 minutes again sounds easy. It wasn't. I did do it though and covered about 3 miles. The 2 minutes walk in the middle really was a huge rest. It was also nice to not be tied down to a route that I had worked out in advance because I was running a specified distance. Gave me the chance to explore my area a little and make random turns on a whim. All I had to do was make sure I was near home for the end.
Wednesday was much easier. I did just run up the road though for 15 minutes, then turned round and ran back. Was more interesting and nicer than it sounds as it was up past the fields in the sunshine. I think I will head this way on most runs as it's flatish, for my area, and can be extended fairly well as I get better. I recovered much quicker than on Monday.
Saturday morning I was up and raring to go at 9am. Which is impressive as I sat watching TV and drinking lager til 1:30am. I planned a route on Google Earth that was exactly 3 miles (1.5 miles in one direction and then 1.5 miles back). I managed a time of 26:57. I am happy with this time for a first timed run. 9 minutes a mile. A pretty good start I felt. Although my pace needs addressing, as I ended up almost sprinting the end to keep it below 27 minutes. I must have tailed off somewhere in the middle.
I have also tried to cut down on my midweek drinking and snacking. I have been avoiding the sausage rolls etc left over from the buffets at work and have been eating the fruit provided when hungry. I didn't have a beer Monday - Thursday and didn't drink exactly loads at the weekend. I was never hungover. Just a few beers here and there.
Captain's Blog.... (bet everyone writes that)
So, I've started a blog too. No idea what to write. Just seems that everyone is doing this these days. My life seems to be online now, what with Facebook and Twitter also in action. When I say "my life", I don't mean I'm one of these people who conducts all his interactions online. I mean I use the online social tools to also interact with the friends I already have in the real world and also to keep in touch with those I don't see in the real world very often, sometimes at all (More's the pity). More to enrich my social life, than to replace it. I think that is a healthy way to use these things. Not that, I suppose, completely immersing yourself is unhealthy, if that's what makes you happy.
My status updates on Facebook are getting increasingly longer. This is my reason for starting this. Sometimes I have more to say. Although I'm quite enjoying Twitter also. Sometimes I have less to say, but more frequently. It is also a skill to get something that you want to put across down to 140 characters or less.
Anyway, let's see what this produces. I've tried this before, but it is hard to write personal, but not too personal stuff online. Especially when no-one is reading it. Contradiction in terms? I think so.
My status updates on Facebook are getting increasingly longer. This is my reason for starting this. Sometimes I have more to say. Although I'm quite enjoying Twitter also. Sometimes I have less to say, but more frequently. It is also a skill to get something that you want to put across down to 140 characters or less.
Anyway, let's see what this produces. I've tried this before, but it is hard to write personal, but not too personal stuff online. Especially when no-one is reading it. Contradiction in terms? I think so.
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