Wednesday 19 August 2009

Captain's Blog.... (bet everyone writes that)

So, I've started a blog too. No idea what to write. Just seems that everyone is doing this these days. My life seems to be online now, what with Facebook and Twitter also in action. When I say "my life", I don't mean I'm one of these people who conducts all his interactions online. I mean I use the online social tools to also interact with the friends I already have in the real world and also to keep in touch with those I don't see in the real world very often, sometimes at all (More's the pity). More to enrich my social life, than to replace it. I think that is a healthy way to use these things. Not that, I suppose, completely immersing yourself is unhealthy, if that's what makes you happy.

My status updates on Facebook are getting increasingly longer. This is my reason for starting this. Sometimes I have more to say. Although I'm quite enjoying Twitter also. Sometimes I have less to say, but more frequently. It is also a skill to get something that you want to put across down to 140 characters or less.

Anyway, let's see what this produces. I've tried this before, but it is hard to write personal, but not too personal stuff online. Especially when no-one is reading it. Contradiction in terms? I think so.

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