I am supposed to be running my big runs with my mate Rick. This whole thing was boiled up between us. He has gone on holiday and I have kind of taken the idea and ran with it (groan...sorry!) When he left the plan was, we were going to see how we got on with training and then maybe sign up to run 10k. Then if that went well sign up for the half marathon. I threw caution to the wind after a weeks training and signed up for both without consulting him. My reasoning being. The only reason he is unlikely to not proceed with this is if his knee can't hold up through the training. He has a knee cap that goes pop after about 6 miles of running. Not good when you are looking at running 6 miles and beyond. The thinking is (at least the way I have understood it) that by training up to 6 miles it will stregthen his knee and gradually get it used to the distance and hopefully it won't go pop.
Anyway, I have digressed, why did I sign up whilst he was on holiday? Four reasons:
1. He can still sign up later if he wants
2. If his knee goes pop and he can't do it, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with my ability to run it.
3. I was enjoying myself and really want to do this for me and will happily do this alone if he is unable.
4. I am impatient.
No brainer really.
Having said all that, I really hope he will return from his holiday and get into the training with me and also sign up for both races and that I have a partner to train and ultimately run with. These things are always easier if you have someone to go through it with and also to spur you along when it's getting difficult. Plus he's good company and picking over our conquests of Salford and Liverpool over a beer would be fun.
An additional point. I neglected to mention I am running the City of Salford 10k to raise money for the NSPCC. Sponsor me here http://www.justgiving.com/craigwtonks/
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