Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Una Cerveza, Por Favor

I recently went on holiday to Mexico. Is this a blog about that? No. Well, yes. Well, no. Not really. But, kind of. Put it this way; if you're expecting a "Rough Guide To Mexico" type blog, you're in the wrong place. Try someone who embraces world travel and is happy to share their insights. If you're after me talking about something random, then read on.

Recent understanding is that, when travelling from England to Mexico, you go by aeroplane. The best place to get on an aeroplane is an airport. So it was, on Thursday 13th June, I found myself, with my wife, at Manchester Airport. Whilst doing the usual things you do at an airport (the boring official things like finding your check-in desk and handing over your bag, whilst panicking that you have put too much stuff in it and will be charged; rather than having a sausage muffin that costs the price of a family car) we saw a family excitedly running around; presumably also going on holiday. The reason this family caught our attention was that they had 2 children. Now, I know you are now thinking why 2 children would catch our attention. Lots of families have 2 children. What was attention catching was that one of the children had 2 red arms. No, not sunburn. Plaster casts. Yes, he had broken both of his arms. He was in plaster up to the elbow on both, so could bend his arms. He wasn't full on zombie or aeroplane impression, but still, how annoying. It was actually Sharon that spotted him and she pointed him out. We awwed and I said I hoped they weren't going to Florida. Imagine going to Orlando and not being able to go on any of the rides or water slides because of a last minute injury. Gutting! Poor guy. The moment quickly passed and we thought little more about it. We instead busied ourselves with the financial planning involved in buying a sausage butty and a cup of tea at an airport.

Later, we got on an AEROPLANE! This was to be our home for the next 10 hours. Whilst on there, we saw a boy with 2 broken arms. Don't worry, we weren't on some sort of hospital plane from an airport for accident prone children; it was the same lad. Stands to reason that he would be on our flight. We'd originally seen him around the area we'd checked in. Poor guy. Going on a beach holiday, where the main things to do for a child will be play in the sea or in a pool, but with 2 broken arms. Again we awwed and then thought no more about it. We busied ourselves with squinting to watch poor quality A Good Day To Die Hard and Rise Of The Guardians. We tried to watch the poor quality The Last Stand, but the quality was so poor that it was impossible to actually see or hear the film, so we gave up.

Once we landed and progressed through the usual arriving at an airport stuff, the next leg of our journey involved sitting on a coach for an hour and a half whilst people were dropped off at hotels. "Oh look. There's the broken arm kid again. Poor guy." We sat back and waited for our hotel. We got there and checked in. Whilst checking in, "Is this kid following us? He's staying at our hotel too. Poor guy. This place is right on the beach and has 3 swimming pools and a kid's paddling pool. All useless to him. He'll have to sit and watch all the other kids having fun."

Again we tried to think no more about it and proceeded in trying to stay awake until at least 10pm (which would be 4am for us, after a 5am start) to try and get a hold on the jet-lag from the off. We walked on the beach; had a beer and explored the resort.

A couple of days later we were lazing by the pool watching a group of people in their 20s throw a ball about and saw the broken-arms kid family roll up. "Awwww. A day of watching his brother play in the pool. Poor guy". His brother threw himself in and started swimming about with a snorkel and mask. Poor guy. 

THEN.... something unexpected happened. Broken-arms kid's mum pulled some strange blue things out of her bag. They looked like... could then be?... YES. They were GIANT RUBBER GLOVES! They looked like they were designed entirely for this purpose. His mum wrestled them on over his plasters; whilst he impatiently wriggled and watched his brother already in the pool. When she had finally got them on him, he LAUNCHED himself into the pool. I swear it happened in slow-motion, but that may just be the romantic in me. As he jumped in, me and Sharon CHEERED!...... Then embarrassedly looked away when his family looked round. It was a beautiful moment watching him snorkel round happily. Especially when the people throwing the ball decided it would be funny to try and "get the kid with the broken arms" and 'accidentally' bounced it off his head a couple of times whilst he snorkeled. Moving.

EDIT: Here is the website for the big rubber glove thingys http://www.protectacast.com/

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