Friday 4 September 2009

Craig Goes Fourth

4th week of training

I know the week techincally isn't over, but all I have left are my rest days and I'm unlikely to have much to say about running in those days. Possibly, but unlikely.

Monday: run for 30 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 40 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: run for 4 miles
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest

Monday's run was H-A-R-D!! It was just a 30 minute run and I have gotten (I thought) to the point of finding these relatively easy, but it hurt. One of the reasons it was so hard was the fact I spent Sunday in Liverpool drinking lager and watching Beatles music. Was a great day. Left me, not really hungover, but feeling a little run down the following morning. I also didn't load up on water before going out and felt rather dehydradated half way round. Big mistake. Hydration is king whilst running. Talking to Rick kept me going, but the last 8 minutes on my own, running up hill, was a killer. It is the only time I have REALLY just wanted to stop running and walk. I kept repeating the mantra in my head, "Running is 70% physical and 30% mental. Come on mental, get me home." And it did. As horrible as it was, it was a very important run. These are the runs that make you a better runner. Forcing yourself to keep going, no matter what the distance, when all you want to do is stop is good mental preparation for the big runs when you almost certainly will hit these moments and need to keep going. You need to train mentally as well as physically. You find also that sometimes by pushing on you come through the other side with a second wind and are able to go much further than you ever thought you could. A couple of runs I have been on where I felt I was limping (metaphorically speaking) to the end I have found my energy has begun to come back and I have felt like I could run even further as I approached home. One day I may explore this and run past my house and see if I can add another mile on. For now though, I am sticking to "the schedule". It seems to be working well for me.

Wednesday's run was further than I expected when I set off. I had mapped out a route that was just under 4 miles. Once we (Rick also out) started running we decided to try and work out a slightly different off road route. We found our way to where we wanted to be using guess work and judgement. Unfortunately we found a nice hill with cobbles in the rain that we had to run up to get to where we wanted. Was not the easiest, but we kept going. I became quite aware of my calves for the rest of the run. Fortunately the rain was quite refreshing. Once I was approaching home I looked at my watch and noticed I still had 4.5 minutes to go. So I turned left into the estate near my house and went on a detour to make up my time to the 40 minute mark. By the time I got home I had run 4.4 miles. I was chuffed. The route is below.

On returning home I recovered quickly, but my calves and hamstrings felt tight for the first time after a run. The next day I could still feel the run in my legs. Not in a bad way, but it is the first time it has carried over to the next day. I guess that is because I have started pushing on now. I have a secret weapon to combat the aches in my legs, but as this is already a long blog and I still have another run to talk about, I think I'll save that story for another time.

I've just passed the halfway point in my training. This is where it starts to get harder and longer. Most runs have been around the 3 mile mark up until this point. This has gotten me used to running and to a routine. This past week onward they start to push past the 4 mile mark and beyond. The odd 3 mile run on a Monday, but mostly 4+ now.

Friday was a 4 miles timed run. My aim was to do it in 35 minutes. This was by far my favourite run of the week. No offense Rick, he's away and so it was me running with U2. On my iPod that is. I wasn't jogging up the road followed by Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam. After 2 miles (don't remember my 1 mile time) I was up to 17 mins 10 seconds. I was on pace, but I was pushing myself strongly. After 3 miles I was on 26 mins. Still on pace, but feeling it. Get On Your Boots came on. It's fast and upbeat and got the blood pumping. My legs started to open up and I was really striding. Felt great. To really be motoring along after running over 3 miles was quite exhilarating. So thanks again Bono. I managed to finish in 33 mins 57 secs. Very happy with my progress.

Oh yeah, got stung by a nettle on my last run too. Is still stinging 2 hours later. If you work for the council can you get the growth overhanging the path on Brangy Road cut back please. Thanks.

Don't forget the kids, a nettle sting and being a bit tired whilst running is nothing compared to what some of them have to put up with. Sponsor me at

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