Thursday 24 September 2009

Lucky Number 7

This is it. The final week (as far as the 10K goes anyway, not for my running). The schedule is as follows.

Monday: run for 40 mins
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: run for 30 mins
Thursday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: rest
Sunday: run 10k race

A fairly easy going week by previous standards. Really just keeping my body used to running. No pushing it or anything. That is when most injuries happen. When you push yourself at the end of training just before whatever it is you're training for. I chose to avoid that mistake and took it easy. Not much to say on either Monday or Wednesday's run. I ran 4.88 miles on Monday and 3.4 miles on Wednesday. Pretty much stuck to the 40 and 30 mins. Both runs were fine. The training is done. I am ready!

Rick did a run on Monday where he did 5.2 miles in 40 mins. That is monsterously quick! We have agreed to run the big 10K together at whatever pace we can both manage. From Rick's much faster time that means we run as fast as I can manage. I am aiming for 55 minutes.

You may have noticed that I am writing this before the end of the week. It is now Thursday. I will write another blog after the big race. I just wanted to get down my thoughts before hand.

So far my sponsorship is going great. I am up to £192.01. I really want that £8 to push me into the two hundreds. Come on people, get me past that mark

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